Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Questions After The US Government Averted A Complete Shutdown In My Mind

Notice:   Comments made by C. Henry Adams does not directly reflect the views or opinions of Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. ,as well as, BIE Media Group, LLC.  Nor will his statements in this discussion relate to any policy or procedures utilize to operate the companies.

By C. Henry Adams

You can call me ' Chief Just Running His Mouth ' or whatever.  But, I'm going to ask questions after the U.S. Government averted a complete shutdown whether liked or not. 

Please forgive me for presenting the impression of arrogance.

Yes, my perspective is my perspective.  Yes, I'm a Moderate Conservative ( One that believes in tradition, but support change as well.).   No, I'm not a Republican and I'm wondering whether being a Democrat is not the answer neither.

Yes, I'm strong will and I will likely go over this blog and all other blogs written on several hot topics revolving around the U.S. Government with a ' fine tooth comb ' over and over again.

No, I will not disrespect the U.S. President, Barack Obama.   No, I do not like parts of the ACA aka 'Affordable Care Act of 2010' aka 'Obamacare' for specific reasons concerning the People of the USA, my family and myself.

Download ACA Law in PDF here:

Thank God I live in the United States of America where I have the freedom of speech per the U.S. Constitution per the First Amendment.

That being said, I understand that the U. S. Supreme Court deem the ACA to be a tax, thus making it legal.

It is understood that the Republican & Democratic Parties both had a hand in the Partial Shutdown of the U.S. Government  regarding a number of reasons.  One of the reasons was the ACA which is my focal point in this blog.

I recently raised a question in social media in the third party, which is... " What is the definition of  "Affordable " in regards to the ACA?

Next question:  How many Americans actually took the time to read over 800 documents regarding regulations of the ACA?  

Was there issues or do issues still exist with the website regarding registration?

Is $100 US Dollars per month or 8% of a $30,000 USD salary per year - really affordable when you fall in the age group between say 27 yrs old  to 40 yrs old  or even 40 yrs old to 65 yrs old ; whereas, your State has opt out of creating a Healthcare Exchange and the cost of living is already ridiculously high based on your pay?

I understand that there are a number of reasons people don't like the ACA.

I also understand that you can be penalized with a fine if you don't purchase Healthcare Insurance.

But, am I wrong for thinking that anybody or myself in the U.S. placed under the wrong circumstances could be impoverish as a result of the ACA?

Thanks for reading and I look forward to your positive or objectively positive responses.

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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Has The US Government Taken The US Citizen Downhill During A Shutdown Over Healthcare?

Notice:   Comments made by C. Henry Adams does not directly reflect the views or opinions of Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. ,as well as, BIE Media Group, LLC.  Nor will his statements in this discussion relate to any policy or procedures utilize to operate the companies.

by C. Henry Adams

Today while setting in a local restaurant eating
a Chocolate Frosty and Chicken Sandwich, a Lady start talking to me 'out of the blue' to which disturb me.   With all due respect, first -  I do not like to talk politics when I'm eating a meal.

Secondly, I do not have anything against President Obama, Democrats, Republicans or any other Political Party not mentioned here.

Thirdly,  I'm not going to play the name game called, " Just Who Fault Is It Anyway... "

At that moment, she pointed out the ACA or the Affordable Care Act aka "Obamacare."

Then, it started to get heated. 

So, I decided to show her the web site on my personal computer, whereas,  the site would not let you go beyond the " Individuals and Families " button to access it further at that particular time and date.

I also pointed out that if you did not qualify for medicare nor were you eligible for the "subsidies" , you might be in trouble, meaning, your cost to purchase a healthcare premium "could be " high.

Listen, I'm not hearing what the Republicans have to say , nor am I hearing what the Democrats have to say.  I'm simply reviewing the facts as they are laid out in front of all Americans that seek them.

Finally, shutting down the US Government is not a wise thing in my professional opinion period.

It is as if Washington really think we can not see the current situation in front of us. 

This economy has not completely recovered in my professional opinion and the actions that DC have taken aren't well thought out regarding any current policy effecting us.

I'm not a negative thinking person and I'm not going to become one.  

May I humbly and respectfully ask you for your thoughts and what do you suggest we should do to resolve these issues in Washington DC to help our economy and improve healthcare?


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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

... a B I E Company - BIE Media Group, LLC

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Failure To Operate The Government Over The Obamacare Mandate Should Not Be An Option

Notice:   Comments made by C. Henry Adams does not directly reflect the views or opinions of Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. ,as well as, BIE Media Group, LLC.  Nor will his statements in this discussion relate to any policy or procedures utilize to operate the companies.

by C. Henry Adams

Greetings, I personally do not like the " way " Obamacare is setup
when it comes to penalties for failure to get healthcare insurance , but shutting down the U. S. Government is NOT an option in my professional opinion neither.

My Definition of Setup:  To establish a certain method, policy , procedures, criteria or rules.

As a small business owner that lives in an economy where I literally see people struggling; I don't side with the Republicans, the Democrats or any political party that will hinder the welfare of the American People in any capacity period.

Obamacare is here, I'm prepared and preparing to deal with it accordingly.

If there is growth in our U. S. Economy, there should be signs of growth in my neighborhood, community, city, county and state combined.

I'm not completely convinced.

So, what are your thoughts, I sincerely and respectfully welcome them.   Thanks!

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Saturday, September 28, 2013

Loop Holes: (4) Four Days To Obamacare Enrollment

Notice:   Comments made by C. Henry Adams does not directly reflect the views or opinions of Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. ,as well as, BIE Media Group, LLC.  Nor will his statements in this discussion relate to any policy or procedures utilize to operate the companies.

By C. Henry Adams

In my professional opinion, there are likely ' loop holes ' built-in every US Law.  But, what do I know about laws, fore, I'm not a Lawyer. 

However, ' statutory exemptions ' found on the IRS web page called, 'Questions and Answers on the Individual Shared Responsibility Provision'  says a lot.  

For clarifications purposes, I'm referring to ' statutory exemption ' as a ' loop hole ', although some people may or may not agree with my observation.

Below is what I found regarding statutory exemptions:

1) If you are a member of a recognized Religious Sect per the Social Security Administration,you could plead 'religious conscience'  to statutory exempt yourself from the ACA.

2) If you are a member of a recognized Health care sharing ministry, you could be statutory exempt from the ACA.

3) If you are a member of a federally recognized Indian tribe, you are statutory exempt.

4) If your income is below the minimum threshold for filing a tax return, you could be statutory exempt.

5) Something regarding 'short coverage gap' where you weren't covered for less than three consecutive months during the year could make you statutory exempt.

6) If the Health Insurance Marketplace or Affordable Insurance Exchange certify that you  suffered a hardship you could be statutory exempt.

7) If the Healthcare Premium is more than eight percent ( 8% ) of your household income you could be statutory exempt.

8) If you are in jail, prison, or similar penal institution or correctional facility AFTER the disposition of charges against you could make you statutory exempt.

9) If you leave the US and no longer are a US Citizen or US National, as well as, alien lawfully present in the US, you could be statutory exempt.

An old cliche comes to mind, ' There is more than one way to skin a cat. ' 

So, what are your thoughts regarding our findings?


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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Well, Its (6) Days Until Oct. 1st 2013 Obamacare Enrollment

Notice:   Comments made by C. Henry Adams does not directly reflect the views or opinions of Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. ,as well as, BIE Media Group, LLC.  Nor will his statements in this discussion relate to any policy or procedures utilize to operate the companies.

by  C. Henry Adams

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act ("ACA") aka ("Obamacare")

Since Monday, Sept. 23rd 2013, I've been listening to the news on the Radio, watching TV, reading social media  comments, having conversations with individuals, as well as, reading documents regarding Obamacare.

Thus, I've come to the following conclusions:

1) Many people may or may not become confuse regarding enrollment in Obamacare starting Oct. 1st 2013.

2) The Clark Howard Show has a pretty good Podcast in my opinion of a previous broadcast regarding a Special Edition on Obamacare.

3) Republican Senator Cruz of Texas filibustered for 21 hours hoping to defund Obamacare on Sept. 24th 2013.

4) There are four packages (Bronze, Silver, Gold & Platinum) regarding various Healthcare Insurance Premiums that individuals can choose from on the Healthcare Insurance Exchange starting Oct. 1st 2013.

5) Individuals can opt out of getting healthcare insurance by paying from $95.00 USD up to 1% of their salary in penalties according to the IRS for 18 months.

6) There are eligibility requirements to receive subsidies to lower your healthcare insurance premium should you elect to purchase.

I'm going to stop here and let you review our findings for your own research.

Please feel free to share your thoughts, thanks!

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Monday, September 23, 2013

Exactly ( 9 ) Nine Days to the Obamacare Mandate (UPDATED)

Notice:   Comments made by C. Henry Adams does not directly reflect the views or opinions of Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. ,as well as, BIE Media Group, LLC.  Nor will his statements in this discussion relate to any policy or procedures utilize to operate the companies.

by  C. Henry Adams

It's exactly nine days to the Obamacare Mandate.  During this period of time, I'm going to try and give my professional opinion of the President, his Administration and the New Healthcare Law WITHOUT offending anyone.

Why?  Well,  I believe if we take a logical approach to looking at what is factual while seeking a solution for entrepreneurs, small business, medium-sized business and even non-profit organizations; we might just make some kind of progress.

Personal Feelings and Stance:  Personally, I'm not happy with certain policies the Obama Administration has put forth, however, I will not divulge those policies as a result of my U.S. Constitutional Rights.  I consider myself to be a Moderate Conservative,  I believe in tradition and change.  I vote Democrat, Republic or Independent;  this means I will vote in the best interest of myself, family, community, so forth.

CORRECTION:  For clarifications purposes, I discovered some oversight in the statement above. Basically, I would like to state that not all of the Obama Administration Policies I like.

'State the facts, let me examine them and leave the propaganda at home'... this is my motto when it comes to politics.

That being stated, please feel free to reference my personal feelings section anytime throughout the series of blogs that I will post.  It is my intent to strike up conversations.  However, I'm seeking the comments of individuals who are interested in presenting workable solutions.  I'm stepping out of my box to invoke workable solutions for business regarding the Obamacare Law that will start mandates on Oct. 1st 2013, Jan. 1st 2014 and beyond.

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Friday, September 20, 2013

Not Seeing Eye To Eye, But Moving In The Right Direction

Notice: Comments made by C. Henry Adams does not directly reflect the views or opinions of Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. ,as well as, BIE Media Group, LLC.  Nor will his statements in this discussion relate to any policy or procedures utilize to operate the companies.

By C. Henry Adams

Today, I received a telephone call and email from a Colleague who clearly does not see eye to eye with me regarding a certain business opportunity.  In fact, this person made it clear that all talks of business were off.

So, how do I react to this particular situation due to unforeseen circumstances completely out of my control?  Let's see, well I could reach out to the person and give them a piece of my mind - then hang up, but that would perhaps be immature.

Instead, I realize that I should let peace and harmony prevail while agreeing to disagree, yet, continuing to move forward.

Let's just say, I decided to shake the dust from my shoes and carry-on with business in another direction from that particular situation.

Is it a " constant  " to think that we as people will not always be on the same level or levels of thinking while moving forward in life?

Would it be sane to think that what we might think of as " insane " in the head of another person regarding business or even Worldly Affairs could one day prove logical to some degree?

Often times - lately,  I've recalled my late Father's wisdom through cliche(s) he would share with me as I grew from a young child to a young man.

Here is one....   "Slow your roll, focus and what you seek will come to you."

It is interpreted in my opinion as meaning to apply " Due Diligence ".

I can hear someone saying, " But, how does " Due Diligence " apply to two people not seeing eye to eye? "

My Reply:  A number of times when two people going in the same direction regarding a business standpoint doesn't see eye to eye it could be the following:

1)  Alone their journey, they have encountered a problem or obstacle restricting them.

2)  As a result of the problem or obstacle in the way, the two people might developed different ways, ideas or solutions to resolving the problem , yet,  no agreement is made to use one solution together.

3)  If neither party has faced this particular problem or obstacle before, finding the workable solution may take time from the journey. 

Patience is a virtue and makes the workable solution or solutions clear to visualize.  Failure to comply to patience could be an end result in reaching no workable solution.

So what is the recourse?   Perhaps, if not seeing eye to eye causes confusion, its best to make peace while moving forward on your own regarding the " Business " discussion at hand.

This is just an opinion, what are your thoughts? 

C. Henry

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Monday, September 2, 2013

Asking For A Hand Up and Not For A Hand Out

By C. Henry Adams

On Labor Day, Monday September 2nd 2013, I've decided to write a commentary called, " Asking for a Hand Up and NOT for a Hand Out".

There are many situations where people have asked for a hand up from a circumstance and been misunderstood for asking for a hand out of the same state of affairs.

These people that I speak of could perhaps be entrepreneurs, small business owners like myself, non-profit organization directors or even government officials who all seek to improve living in a society in various POSITIVE forms.

In fact, I will do something candid and perhaps taboo.  I will mention a story of a business owner, seeking a private loan from a colleague that could possibly yield the colleague twenty percent interest on the loan, plus the reimbursement.

Then again, I better tell you of this instance where a citizen seeking to run for an elected office in a small town did not have the registration funds in a timely manner to certify for the office they seek to run for or against.

You know, perhaps the story about one of the most powerful elected officials in a country is the one to tell.  With experience and some of the smartest, most intelligent people at their call, this person decided to call on the representatives of his nation to help him make the right decision.

OK, my point is simple....   Where there is a WILL, there is a WAY.  If someone comes to you in respect and all honesty -  at least perform due diligence.  When considering taking a risk, also consider having faith.

Also, perhaps it is important to know the difference from someone asking for a hand up or just for a hand out.   Forgive me if I have offended anyone.   There is nothing wrong with asking for a HAND OUT.  There is nothing wrong with asking for a HAND UP neither.

I hear someone asking, " C. Henry, what's your definition of a HAND UP?"   My Reply:  If the person advancing forward fail or succeed in their ventures.   Yet, they have the abilities to help themselves and have shown these abilities, as well as, more.  Furthermore, they need your contribution in some form to advance forward, this is a HAND UP situation.

If a person is NOT advancing forward and you have confirmed this in observation over a period of time that  there is NO MOVEMENT,  no effort to venture through trial and tribulations - this is a HAND OUT situation.

Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. Thank you in advance for any consideration.

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Monday, August 5, 2013

Stepping Out Of A Closed Box

By  C. Henry Adams

You know, there is a lot of symbolism in the statements proceeding this first one that I'm writing and the digital image seen above this article.  Let me say that I don't expect everyone who reads any of my writings or have observed my logic to understand me.  But, please consider that I mean well.

Yes, I have transform from the young man seen in the neighborhoods and communities of Atlanta, Georgia to a Forty-Something Year Old Businessman today.

Yes, I consider myself a Scholar, an Outgoing Person and one who believes in creating something POSITIVE out of nothing while making it a reality.  But, I know my limits.  To create what one person might call the 'impossible', in my professional opinion- you must possess certain spiritual abilities.

You might ask what is one spiritual ability to possess to make something POSITIVE out of nothing while creating it into reality?  The answer that I quite often have discovered in my short lifespan is faith.

But, this great power of faith is just one ability.  Another spiritual ability is 'Will or Determination'. Yes, having faith is definitely one great thing to possess, but there are other things too which you must retain to go along with this particular Supernatural Skill.

Someone might ask, " Well C. Henry, how does what you just stated go along with your title of this article, I mean what is your point here?"

In my reply, I would say that in life, we often grow in a contain area.  Perhaps, we (Referring to nobody in particular.) closed the box or the contain area to outside opportunities because of complacency.

I'm associating the fear of the unknown as one of many reasons to complacency.   I'm associating 'fear' in all varieties to being in any box situation to say the least.  I'm also associating the repetition of making the same mistakes while not learning from them to avoid them.

It is time to step out of the closed box to succeed and if you are approaching some sort of closed box in your life, step over it while moving forward.

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