Thursday, February 25, 2010

Press Release: Cyber Attack Utilizing C Henry Adams Name Found On Yahoo Search Engine

Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc.
Corporate Headquarters Mailstop
PO BOX 757
Lithia Springs, Georgia 30122-0757
(404) 348 - 8319

February 25th, 2010

Wednesday Feb. 24th, 2010, a Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. ("BIE") Official discovered a potential Cyber attack method against unsuspected Users seeking information about C. Henry Adams, President & CEO of Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. on the Yahoo Search Engine Web site.

It is not apparent how long this form of Cyber attack has been present. Nor has there been a Hacker or Group of Hackers who step forward to express their grievance against Mr. Adams or Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc.

However, BIE has taken action to contact the proper Cyber Security Authorities in hopes of some type of investigation into the matter.

It is unknown as to why Mr. Adams was made a target, with the exception that some sort of retaliation was taken against Mr. Adams for sharing simple Cyber Security Methods to protect the public from further attacks.

To further protect the public from discovering these Cyber attack page links on the Yahoo Search Engine web site, BIE will reveal preventative measures taken to protect its network of computers below in steps and with illustrations:

1) BIE, has been utilizing the latest Mozilla Firefox Browser. You may go to the following web sites for Mozilla to get additional information:


b) ( US & English Language )

Note: The latest browser upgrade prevented the redirect of the Cyber Attack pages from occurring.

2) BIE CYBER TEAM has documented the incident on its web page. Please click the link below to see what a false search listing in C. Henry Adams & BIE looks like. This will help you to avoid false listings of this kind in the future.

Note: Not all links to C. Henry Adams & BIE are false. For your safety, we have reviewed a number of links and will identify what social networks below are safe to click on regarding C. Henry Adams & BIE:

Web Sites & Social Networks (Safe Links) to Click On Regarding C. Henry Adams & BIE:


Please note that we have not identified all of the legitimate links connected to our brand name C. Henry Adams & BIE.

Thank you for reading this press release and for more information, please contact BIE Staff at (404) 348 - 8319.

Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc.
PO Box 757
Lithia Springs, Ga. 30122-0757
(404) 348-8319
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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Stop Playing And Make Some Money With Tweeter

Congratulations on setting up a Twitter account. Quick suggestion: Twitter is a 140 character broadcast tool used for disseminating information. The trick or technique in utilizing Twitter depends on your audience reading your information you broadcast.

Free of Charge Information:

1) Pick a target market. (Example: People who need to develop their business.)

2) Provide valuable information about the development of business from various articles online you've researched; events occurring like business seminars etc.

3) Create a Microblog Show with a maximum of (10) 140 character updates including the referencing of articles or events related to your expertise online or some simple knowledge related to your business to share freely.

4) From time to time, advertise your product or service ( leaving your telephone number or web site address to contact you, NOT your email address.

This process will draw certain people, but some of them you will have to weed out. Pay close attention to the trends and number of people. Watch for the Twitter Spammers & erase them. Also, you don't need 10,000 people to make a sale just 5 to 10, then it will grow.

Good Fortune.


C. Henry Adams
President / CEO
Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc.
(404) 348-8319

Google " C. Henry Adams & BIE "

Follow Me On Twitter

Promoting Small Business 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week and 365 Days a Year!

The information contained herein is for the exclusive use of the original recipient. This information is granted for limited distribution within the recipient's place of business for planning purposes only. Further dissemination, whether private or public is prohibited.

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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Epiphany of the Significance of Kinaya Bryd's Life to the City of Atlanta

The following message was between C. Henry Adams and a Spiritual Leader/Facebook Friend Elder John Woods regarding the Significance of Kinaya Bryd to the City of Atlanta and particularly a community often forgotten for its importance.

This particular discussion written February 16th, 2010 on Facebook and transferred to C. Henry Adams & BIE, Inc. Blogs was and is something to ponder and think about.

John Woods February 16 at 10:02am

Hello Bro. Chris:

I saw the story of the slain teacher in the AJC and see that her funeral will be at St. Paul AME Church. I think this is your cousin that you mentioned. I am sorry for your loss and will continue to pray for you and her family. God bless you.



C Henry Adams February 16 at 11:25am

Thank you for your sympathy Elder Woods,

But note that the loss of my Cousin transcend deeper than one on the outside can imagine.

Why do I say that?

1) She no doubt was Family and a Child of My God.

2) Domestic Violence in America is killing relationships between Men & Women and Children daily of all races, creeds and origins.

3) Kinaya, was & is a legacy of a Community that developed after the Civil War in the late 1800's of mostly people of African American Descent who were former slaves then poverty stricken then realized that their only way out of their poverty stricken situation was through their religion, education, perseverance, strong belief of Neighborly Love and dedication to making a better life for themselves. I'm referring to the Pittsburgh & Mechanicsville Community of the City of Atlanta.

4) She was a Second Grade Teacher. Many years ago, while in the second grade, I loss my older bloodline Brother while he served in the US Army during the period of the Cold War. His death, devastated me and my entire Family. I was retained another year in the second grade as a result of his death, depression and later dyslexia as I discovered years following. Nevertheless, this experience had a vast effect on my life. I can only imagine what her students who are around the ages of 7 & 8 will experience when they discover that she will no longer be on this earth to greet them.

5) Here is the loss of a potential mother to be or a potential wife to be to a good man that would not be worthy of her.

6) This death, this negative event in all of the lives effected by what has transpired effects the recovery of our economy by shedding a gray cloud over optimistic minds who can't see the light of day to figure out how to help America recover.

But, as I write this Epiphany of the Significance of Kinaya Bryd's Life to the City of Atlanta and the World, I recognize that their is still hope in you and me my Brother to make things right.


Folks, thee above statements came straight from my heart. As a small business owner, I struggle daily trying to keep my head above water. As a Single Male or even as a Single Male of African American Descent, I'm faced with many toils & snares like any man of any race in America. However, I know now and forever Domestic Violence is not the answer.

Folks, we have got to find a way to come together to save ourselves in more ways than one.

So, what do you think? You now can call (404) 348-8319 and leave a comment about what you think about this Blog Topic, even though it does not exactly relates to Small Business. Note: Your comment will be recorded and played back for the World to hear.


C. Henry Adams
President & CEO
Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc.
(404) 348-8319
Sphere: Related Content

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Don't Fall for Yahoo Alert - Okie Dope Spam Mail, It Will Cost YOU Your Password!

Recently, as of Friday the 13th, November, 2009 - I received
Yahoo Alert Email supposedly from Yahoo twice -
back to back. Well, to the not so Internet and Email Savvy
Surfer, this SPAM mail will trick the
'hell' out of you.
(Please excuse me Church People, but, I have to say it in
this form to get my point clearly across the board.)

Why would it trick someone? Well, if you scroll down this
web page and take a look at this particular email sent to
us at one of our email address, it has what appears to be
a legitimate
" @ " in the rear of it.

Note: Anyone can create this sort of email address or
fake it - whoever knows how.

But, in fact - SPAM Mail always tells on itself and I'm going
to identify () ways how below:

1) A Spam Email will ask you to respond to a different email
sent from the

2) Spam Email will always ask you for personal information.

3) Spam Email will have a
FALSE URL or LINK of the
person or company its forged or fraudulent representing.

Don't believe me? Well,
place your
Cursor on the link in Exhibit NOV1309
this article " " and look in the
bottom left portion of your Internet Browser (This applies
to Internet Explorer or Firefox) and you will see this
. The dots clearly
identify a falsehood, so DON'T BE FOOLED.

4) A Spam Email may not be directly address to you.
Sometimes it appears to be, but not all of the time.

5) These emails will always request urgent response,
create fear in the Net User's mind, talk about giving you
millions of dollars having never even seen you or
possibly tell you a sad story.

6) The SPAM Email always appears to have bad sentence
structure. LOL ( I know I can't talk about other people's
sentence structure, but its true.)

7) The SPAM Email will have missed spelled words in a
Business Letter Format. LOL ( Again, I know BIE can't
say anything, but at least if we catch it and correct ourselves.)

Note: The sad story part is not difficult to discern from
a more legitimate one - if you
for the tell tell signs, so, don't disregard all sad stories.

confirm them.

Alrighty, More TRICKERY!

This particular email is good, but not the best. Let, me
tell you how its good in fooling you.

SPAM ATTACKER, preys on the fact that you
may not utilize common sense, when he or she creates

in your mind while telling you the following below:

QUOTED from the SPAMMER: " Due to the
congestion in all Yahoo users and removal of all
unused Yahoo Accounts,Yahoo would be shutting
down all unused Accounts,You will have to confirm
your E-mail by filling out your login info below after
clicking the reply botton or your Account will be
suspended within 24 hours for security reasons.

Say what!!

A) If Yahoo is a FREE Email Account Company
where Millions of People go daily to check
their emails, why would it have Congestion in this form,
IF it wanted to be in business.

B) If Yahoo did have congestion, why would it not
the Message Directly On the
Web Page most of the time
in a
Yellow Background? (Which it does)

C) Why would Yahoo need to ask you personal questions?
Fore, it already knows who you are from the
information you provided.

Oh, one other thing, if our subscription was canceled on
September 29, 2009 as described below in
Exhibit NOV1309 ,
how in the heck are we receiving this email, now? LOL

Its important to know the facts about SPAM and creating
personal SPAM Filters to prevent yourself from becoming a Victim.

Oh, before I go; what should you do if you have fallen prey to
this or other similar SPAM Mail tricks?

1) Don't Panic.

2) Always get a second, third or fourth opinion; do the research.

3) If they get you, change your email password immediately.

Do not make a password that you can remember.

Always write the password down at least twice

(Write it down on at least two different documents
that you secure and can easily acquire)
and put it in a
safe secured place. Use words that are capitalized, lower case
letters and at least (1) or more special characters.
( Example: & ^ * ? % ) Change your password frequently
( Yearly, 6 months, Quarters, Monthly, Weekly or Daily).

4) If you have made financial transactions utilizing this email,
stop! Create a new email address, follow the procedures above
about creating a password and use this particular email address
ONLY for financial transactions. Please make sure you change
OLD email address in each and every financial institution
web site profile of yours to the
NEW email address you created.
utilized this email address for
financial transactions and

5) Contact your employer or email service provider
and tell them your situation.

6) Contact the proper authorities.
Google (Look in a search engine like Google),
" CERT " for advice.

So, what do you think?


C. Henry Adams
President / CEO
Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc.
(404) 348-8319

Follow Me On Twitter

Promoting Small Business 24 Hours a Day,
7 Days a Week and 365 Days a Year!

NOTE: The following spam email below
was sent to our attention.


Exhibit NOV1309

--- On Fri, 11/13/09, Yahoo Customer Service <>

From: Yahoo Customer Service <>
Date: Friday, November 13, 2009, 2:56 AM

Dear Valued Member,
Due to the congestion in all Yahoo users and removal of all
unused Yahoo Accounts,Yahoo would be shutting down
all unused Accounts,
You will have to confirm your E-mail by filling out your login
info below after clicking the reply botton or your Account
will be suspended within24 hours for security reasons.
Due to the congestion in all Yahoo Accounts, Yahoo
would be shutting down all unused Accounts, You will
have to confirm your E-mail by filling out your Login
Information below after clicking the reply button, or your
account will be suspended within
24 hours for security reasons.
Yahoo! ID Card

Name:.................. ....... .............................. ....

Yahoo! ID:....................... .... ........................

Yahoo! Mail Address:......... ........ ............ .

Password:............... ........................ ...... .......

Member Information

Gender:................. .............................. .........

Birthdate:.......... ............................

Occupation:................... .............................. ..

Country:...................... ........ .............................. .....

If you are a Yahoo! Account Premium subscriber, your current subscription
will be canceled on september 29 2009 if you refuse to update your account.
We will refund the unused portion of your Premium subscription, if any.
The refund will appear as a credit via the billing method we have on file for you.
So please make sure that your billing information is correct and up-to-date.
For more information, please visit
After following the instruction on this sheet your account will not be interrupted
and will continue as normal
We appreciate your being a Yahoo! Account user.
Sincerely, Yahoo! Customer Support

Please reply to this message. This is a service related to your use of Yahoo! Mail.
To learn more about Yahoo!'s use of personal information, including the use of
Web beacons in HTML-based email, visit Yahoo home page. Yahoo! is located
at 701 First Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94089.
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Saturday, October 31, 2009

14 Things About Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc.

Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. description in the words of President and CEO, C. Henry Adams:

For eleven years we have been describing Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. or "B", "I", "E", as a business development and telecommunications consulting firm.

But, people still ask, "So, what does that mean, C. Henry?"

Well, respectfully it means the following:

* BIE is a Local, State and US Federal Government Contractor.

* BIE is a Veteran owned and operated company with a HUBZone Certification.

* BIE is a Web Development Provider of a variety of services from Internet Marketing, SEO, Web Design, PHP/MySQL and Web Hosting Advisory Consulting with maintenance.

* BIE is a Cyber Security Consulting Firm registered with Rapid 7 as a Consultant for its line of Vulnerability Software and Applications.

* BIE is a Marketing Firm capable of placing your small to medium sized business on Television, Radio, in Periodicals, on the Internet and up on Billboards through its unique economic marketing plans with superb multimedia development.

* BIE is a Multimedia Designer capable of creating unique logos, brochures, posters, post cards and business cards with an array of Photographers, Graphic Artist, as well as, a Courier to literally deliver the product if needed.

* BIE has personnel registered with the US Copyright Office available to assist an individual or organization in the submission of artwork, electronic documents, literature, music and patents.

* BIE is a research firm that specialize in the review and analysis of advance telecommunications technology.

* BIE possess a Team of Experts in various fields of electronics and telecommunications ready to create, install and repair total security systems with a greater emphasis on security camera network development.

* BIE possess a Team of Experts in various fields of electronics and telecommunications proficient in the installation and repair of low voltage wiring such as telephone, CAT 5, CAT6, Coaxial Cable, and Fiber Optics; this includes a large majority of internal networking components.

* With multiple Web 2.0 and Social Network connections, BIE promotes small to enterprise business daily while transmitting around the World at the speed of light.

* BIE gives it support to the Guard and Reserve. If any employee or subcontractor (Individual) is called up to active duty, BIE guarantees them employment when they return from serving our country as long as there is work.

* BIE is a company that will provide you with a professional analysis, quote, contract and invoice consisting of a detailed report of the work performed.

* BIE is Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc.

It was my pleasure pointing out fourteen (14) things that describe our company. Please feel free to give us a call at (404) 348-8319 for any questions or concerns. Visit us on the web @ Sphere: Related Content

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What Comes After Thinking, Knowing

My late Father use to look at me standing around and ask, "What are you doing?" I would then reply, "I'm thinking about something, Dad." Then, he would say, "Knowing and thinking are two different things. While you thinking over there, why don't you think yourself outside and cut the grass(lawn)." LOL Actually, he was even more smoother in taking a statement I made and transforming into an order he intended on me carrying out.

In short, he always ended my thinking process by saying, "Don't Think, Know".

That being said, once you think out of the box, you need to know out of the same. Experience will always- in my opinion, be your Teacher. Trials are trying, planning, failure and success. I repeat, trials are trying, planning, failure and success in that order.

For instance, once you have thought up a strategy or plan to accomplish a goal, you must try it. In trying it, you should pay close attention to detail to learn from any mistakes made insomuch as to not repeat them. Furthermore, this strategy or plan should not ever be attempted without performing research, seeking advise whether you risk taking it or not and deep contemplation thereof. Please note, whatever you are planning, it would be in your best interest to keep it absolutely legal too, so please check for laws prohibiting you from performing an act.

Alright, being optimistic in some people eyes is not being realistic. But, I'm here to tell you that what they (those folks who can't see exactly what you see.) see is definitely not what you have envision, so keep away from the negative thinkers or the people who claim they mean well, but don't.

Perhaps, your greatest invention or dream to become a business person should not be broadcast to everyone just yet or too soon.

Although, I personally think and now know that no human being can tell you detail per detail what tomorrow may hold for you simply because tomorrow is not ever promise to any of us.

Somebody might say, "C. you sound a little pessimistic, saying that tomorrow is not promise to any of us." My reply back to an Individual who might make that statement or even have that thought would be this... I'm an optimist and a realist. I can dream an incredible dream as can you, but not ever live long enough to see it come to life simply because it may just take a little longer then my lifecycle on earth may be at that moment.

But, when my time is up ,yet, my dream or goal continues, I would have accomplished something far beyond what my own imagination can phantom.

A simple example is when you see a 100+ year old oak tree planted by a historically recognized building. Do you think that the tree planter would have known exactly how tall or wide that particular plant would have grown or if it would survive droughts, floods, winter and summers? No, of course not exactly, but the hope or dream created before, during and after that tree was planted lived onward for over a century or more to come.

So, back to the basics, think out of the box- then, learn from the situation you were in and know.

So, what do you think or know? LOL


C. Henry Adams
President / CEO
Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc.
(404) 348-8319

Follow Me On Twitter

Promoting Small Business 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week and 365 Days a Year!
Sphere: Related Content

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Thinking Out Of The Box Is Not Crazy

You can call me names until you are red or blue in the face, like "crazy" or say- "he's one french fry short of the proverbial happy meal (Referring to McDonald's Restaurant's Kids Meal called, 'The Happy Meal'), because I tend to want to " think out of the box".

But, if you do , know that I come with a network of people (Like the famous 'Verizon Telecommunication' Commercial) who I can consider master minded individuals like yourself.

Speaking of a mastermind, people have often called individual's- genius or recognize their concepts and ideas as ingenious. Especially if they wake up one morning and write a song. Also, if they wake up one morning and create a computer program that revolutionize the World 20 to 100 years later.

But, what you, me or anyone else can not do, is stop time, stop innovative minds or the World from creating them.

In fact, believe it or not- these masterminded people are probably reading this electronic document right now. In fact, YOU might very well be the person we are talking about and know this to be so. But, could you be a Mastermind Thinker and not know, YES?

According to what appears to be now a standard in the World (Please correct me if I'm mistaken); having a high IQ makes you a genius.

However, at this particular point in my life, I'm probably going to have to disagree with having a High IQ as to what makes people do ingenious things or perform the acts of the same. But, I will agree that having unique and spiritually inclined insight is genius or related to being ingenious.

What I have found to give the impression that a person is considered a genius is INSIGHT.

According to Wikipedia as of 10/25/09 ( ), "A genius, adjective is a person, a body of work, or a singular achievement of surpassing excellence. More than just originally, creativity, or intelligence, genius is associated with achievement of insight which has transformational power."

Now, who has insight? Those of us who seek it and learn how to separate ourselves from Worldly things and tune in on the Spiritual Realm.

I can hear someone saying right now, "Oh, C. Henry- so, are you saying I need to go to Church more?" Going to Church in my life experience and opinion is always good. But, NO - I'm saying you should consider cutting off the television, the radio and even the Internet to go somewhere quiet to pray and mediate.

Going back to Wikipedia as of 10/25/09 regarding "insight". ( wiki/Insight ) - we refer to the following definition - " the power of acute observation and deduction, penetration, discernment, perception called intellection or noesis.

A Quote by C. Henry Adams:
" I have been given the insight to share these thoughts with the World as if you do not already know them. "

Address the insight within yourself by clearing your mind to allow common sense to filter in a situation. We all have this ability within ourselves to become ingenious.

Click here to download my thoughts in Adobe PDF, LOL.

(" ")

So, what do you think?

C. Henry Adams
President / CEO
Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc.
(404) 348-8319

Follow Me On Twitter

Promoting Small Business 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week and 365 Days a Year! Sphere: Related Content

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Flood Relief Donation Information

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post. Sphere: Related Content

Friday, September 25, 2009

Who's Coming To Town (Atlanta): Steve Forbes' " The Impact of Healthcare Reform"

Someone might ask me this, "Mr. C. Henry Adams, aren't you a Democrat?" My answer, "What does that have to do with the price of tea in China?" Then, the person would say, "Well, how is it that you are supporting Steve Forbes?"
My answer, "Steve Forbes is a business man and not a politician currently running for office. Furthermore, his prospective on the impact of Health Care Reform may prove to be quite enlightening."

Regarding whether he is Republican or Democrat, Mr. Forbes point of view reflects the success of his current enterprise ,as well as, leadership under the late President Reagan and the Former President Bush following the so mentioned.

As a small business owner, it is imperative that you gather business intelligence from all sources available. Also, it is important to not cast judgment and maintain an open mind when viewing opinions, as well as, facts relative to our current economy.

Millions of people around the World have read Forbes Magazines or interacted with various business ventures Mr. Forbes successfully represent.

That being said, Friday October 2, 2009 at 7:30 p.m., I plan on listening to this Gentleman give his presentation or share his professional views.

Click here to download the Press Release. ( )

Click here to download ("Save the Date") in PDF. (2Mb File)
( )

Click here to download Sponsorship Information currently available in PDF. (5Mb File)
( )

By the way, please mention that C. Henry Adams spoke about this event.

So, what about you, are you prepared to keep an opened mind to listen? So, what do you think?

C. Henry Adams
President / CEO
Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc.
(404) 348-8319

Follow Me On Twitter

Promoting Small Business 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week and 365 Days a Year! Sphere: Related Content

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Taking "The Fifth" on a Health Care Insurance Bill in America

In 1970, I was born in the now defunct Holy Family Hospital (Formerly called, Southwest Community Hospital). Currently, there is a need to re-open this facility to serve the people of that area in Atlanta, Georgia.

Today, I'm a 39 year old male of African American descent with the mindset of a moderate conservative.

Currently, we own a small ("struggling to stay alive") business with no foreseeable health care insurance to cover our contractually obligated employees. Is this a nightmare waiting to happen? How 'bout, far beyond that scenario- and if we don't continue to subsist, maintain or grow this business in the midst of an economic storm it will no doubt get worst.

But, the real question remains, do American Citizens and Small Business Owners like myself need health care insurance and at what cost?

Allow us to answer that question. Yes, we need health care insurance- absolutely and at no cost or if any at an affordable cost.

As a US Citizen or Small Business Owner, I'm for an affordable health care insurance bill that is non-enforceable by the Federal Government.

Below is three reasons why we say non-enforceable health care insurance bill:

1) We do not want to receive a Felony for failure to maintain health care insurance that could come with a fine ranging from $750.00 USD to $950.00 as an individual.

2) We do not want to receive a Felony for failure to maintain health care insurance that could range with a fine from $1500.00 USD to $3800.00 USD for not supporting our family.

3) We do not want to receive a Felony for failure to maintain health care insurance that could range with a fine from $1500.00 USD to $3800.00 USD for not supporting our small business.

It is perhaps simply ludicrous for us to even speak out against a bill that our President (Mr. Obama), who we voted for- might support.

But, we ask the people in our Federal Government to reconsider sections in a bill that will mandate a felony and fine for 46 Million Plus People according to the U.S. Consensus for 2008 who may not have health care insurance if this bill becomes law due to the circumstances or financial burdens a large number of us now face.

As US Citizens, we can't really speak for nobody but ourselves.

But respectfully, and in all humility we ask that a barter system of some kind be implemented to make this health care insurance bill work, plus that it help lower the cost of living in some form.

If not, we take the fifth amendment regardless to protect our thoughts, ourselves and business.

These are thoughts and opinions, so what do you think?

C. Henry Adams
President / CEO
Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc.
(404) 348-8319

Follow Me On Twitter

Promoting Small Business 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week and 365 Days a Year!

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