Saturday, June 1, 2019

Looking In The Wrong Direction

by C. Henry Adams

In the form of a cliché;  I heard someone say, " Man, close your eyes, because you are looking in the wrong direction. "

How many times have we all looked in the wrong direction in life?

To even try and grasp the thought or understand the statement above, perhaps, there is a need to define it first.

Consider the meaning of  ' Close your eyes, because you are looking in the wrong direction ' to say that you are pursuing an answer to a problem while seeking the wrong steps to resolve it.

Perhaps, if we live a lifetime from birth to old age, there are (4) four events within our life-cycle that we may or may not experience on this Earth.  It is likely, that we will not have control over each of the following circumstances:

1)  Our own Childhood Development
2)  The likelihood of one or more disasters occurring of some magnitude.
3)  A form of despair with hope restored.
4)  Our own Old Age

The inability to control fate filled moments could be terrifying to think about, but I would like to encourage you NOT to fear. 

Instead, take a moment when one of the (4) four events mentioned above occur. Close your eyes to look within oneself for hope & expectation of positive changes while believing beyond one's conjecture to move forward.  Fore, prayer surely changes things.


C. Henry Adams
Benefits Advisor
977 Montreal Rd
Box 1089
Clarkston, Georgia 30021
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(404) 254-7187

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