Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Challenges In Contacting Background Check Websites To Request Removal

by  C. Henry Adams

5th of a multi-series of discussions in this manner.  (Character Assassination Attempts.)

As a Consultant, now going over 20 years or at least since 1998; I have not been without hardships.

As a Realist and Optimist, I realized life is short.  Each day that we have the chance or opportunity to just wake up to see another day is in itself a miracle.

So, why lie about individuals, people, organizations, companies or even countries that one obviously would know very little about?

This is the question that I asked myself when I recently read false, misleading information pertaining to my personal life on the Internet.

The web site is called, MyLife.com.  After reading about me, I stop and controlled my passions or emotions.   Something that I could not do years ago.

But, I guess today is a new day.

At this point in my life,  I have learn to fall.  Then, turn over and lay on my back where I have fallen.

Why?  Well,  if I can look up, perhaps, I can get back up again to be neither here nor there.  In other words keep moving while being on my way forward in life.

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Saturday, October 13, 2018

Casting Judgement Is A The Two - Edged Sword

by C. Henry Adams

4th of a multi-series of discussions in this manner.  (Character Assassination Attempts.)

The term 'conclude' has two meanings.   One meaning would be to arrive at a judgement or opinion by some sort of reasoning.  While the other meaning would bring an existence to an end.

So, perhaps it could be said, if you judge, you will be judged.   Therefore, the alternative is not to judge.

I've often heard that when people talk about a person whether it be positive or negative; it could elevate attention to the individual, group of people, organization or even a country to say the very least who has been targeted.

So, how you perceive (become aware of the attack), receive (suffer its affliction) and retrograde ( reverse the effects ) to a more affirmative action in your favor when a character assassination is attempted, takes time moving forward.

While it is a must to recognize immediately the attack; its equally important to address this onslaught in a methodological manner that must become proactive, as opposed to reactive in nature.

Believe it or not, to do so .... you must not conclude the opposing force against you or you would be concluded.

Instead, you must learn to reverberate positive energy as actions to counteract the incursion.

Just a thought.

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Friday, October 12, 2018

Talking About Professionally Opinionated Facts

by C. Henry Adams

3rd of a multi-series of discussions in this manner.  (Character Assassination Attempts.)

An opinion (Negative or Positive) can NOT be proven or disproved.   However, a fact can be proven or disapproved.  Thus, there lies slander.   < Please, carefully observe key terms written. >

Basically,  being critical of anyone, anything, group or organization could implement positive or even very negative consequences against the messenger.

But, what if you are the Target of the Messenger?

How do you REACT to untangle the web of lies mixed with truth based on opinion?

Answer:   You don't.   Why?   By doing so, you exponentiate or increase the Lies & possibly negative opinion of oneself.

So, what should you do?    Step quietly away from the matter, to pray and or meditate.  Think carefully regarding the cause while spiritually asking for a solution to resolve the issue as you relax calmly.

Sounds crazy?  Actually, its brilliant when one applies the proper discipline to overcome an obstacle in life.

Thus, there lies strategy.


C. Henry Adams
Benefits Advisor
977 Montreal Rd
Box 1089
Clarkston, Georgia 30021
CHA Linkedin 
(404) 254-7187

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Thursday, October 11, 2018

If creating excuses for indicative behavior. Then, what about the lies told to pacify the actions?

by C. Henry Adams

2nd of a multi-series of discussions in this manner.  (Character Assassination Attempts.)

If creating excuses for indicative behavior. Then, what about the lies told to pacify the actions?

The above two statements can easily be taken out of context, therefore, this assertion is my disclaimer; not to be implied or accusing anyone including myself regarding this conversation.

In fact, I will actually utilize the third person poorly to make an example, while investigating a claim and making an indirect attempt to tell the truth.

But, 1st - you must know the truth, to be able to tell the truth.  The truth is; we are human.

We are not perfect and we have all made mistakes.

In this dialogue, it is my hopes, the readers learn from individuals' mistakes while avoiding an unnecessary fate in their lives as a result of them.

Here we go....

Truth: We have all made inadequate course of actions.

Fact: At some point in life, it is likely we have made an attempt to correct those poor selections and abstain from constantly repeating them.

A Professionally Opinionated Fact: Other people do not need to know all of the bad choices we made, (if) we are not showing signs of repeating them.

Question: So, what would someone need to know about you in particular? 

Answer:   Based on time and close observations which should be verifiable by FACTS while not LIES; one's overall character. 


Fore, how you choose to conduct yourself around others or NOT around them is indeed your business or prerogative of its own.

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Wednesday, October 10, 2018

How Does One Prevail Against Character Assassination Attempts? - A New Journey 0n the Internet

By C. Henry Adams

1st of a multi-series of discussions in this manner.

A Creed To Prevail Against Character Assassination on the Internet & Anywhere....

Today, I woke up and saw the light from the Sun, our Star, then realize I made it to another day.  A day that I've never seen before and once its gone, I will never see it again.

This to me, is the first sign of survival in a World mixed with Good and Evil.

Today, because I have the power and know while humbly realizing that I have ability to think then, manifest things to be positive or negative in my life; I choose to be positive while good.

So, when one, whether it be a person, a group of people, an organization or any type of principality set out to destroy me while causing all manners of evil to befall upon me, I will in the end prevail.

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