Monday, May 29, 2017

A Will To Grow Any Business Model

By C. Henry Adams

Part 2 of  ' Ignorance is Bliss , but not in Commerce '  - A Business Development Series From A Very Different Perspective.

Mentor-ship is an important aspect of Commerce, as well as, life in general.  It should not be taken for granted.  The need for experienced voices in the expansion of your organization is important.

Now that we've gotten your attention regarding how "Not" to mentor.  Which some would say, " C. Henry is putting the cart before the horse, "   My reply:  Not so...

Nevertheless, let's examine a process which will eventually become a continual cycle in the art of performing trade.

The objective of this article is to possess a ' Will ' to grow in any business model.

Let's say, that your "Will" is motivated by some action, event or thought in your life, as well as, others who might join you in a venture.

Broadly speaking, there are two types of motivation.

1) Positive Motivation -  A rewarding technique of sorts for accomplishing certain tasks.

2) Negative Motivation - Behavior is motivated by anticipation or fear that an undesirable outcome will result from not performing or any other instance not positive.

Nevertheless, after this particular recognition, there is a 'State of Mind' to be examine in becoming a Proprietor.

To start a business, perhaps, you might consider carrying out (3) three stages of development  as a result of one or both said motivations mentioned above:

Stage 1 -  Think & Dream about your Business.

Stage 2 -   Know what you are getting into before you get into it. 

a)  Research
b)  Study
c)  Properly assess it legally and calculate the cost to the best of your knowledge
d)  Prepare to change or improve your prospective on life as you learn to interact with many different people.

Stage 3 - Weight your options.  Improve your personal credit before taking on a venture.  Encourage partners to follow in the same manner.  Then, implement it.

Note:  A successful business venture requires a detail oriented person to interact with it.  This is just one of the many 'hats of responsibility' you will possess.  But remember, if you have a will to grow any business model, success will make you eminent.

Well, these are my thoughts, what say you?  Thanks for reading our blogs and part 2 of...
" Ignorance is Bliss, but not in Commerce "  - A Business Development Series From A Very Different Perspective.


C. Henry Adams
Benefits Advisor
977 Montreal Rd
Box 1089
Clarkston, Georgia 30021
CHA Linkedin 
(404) 254-7187

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