Monday, October 17, 2016

The Success to Responding to a Request for Proposal (RFP) is understanding what’s in the RFP.

Monday Morning Contracting Tips


Dannie E. James Sr
JE Group LLC
Phone: 404-557-0027

Regardless of the complexity, the solicitation package normally provides the following information:

·        Statement of Work (SOW)
·        Contract type and method
·        Terms and Conditions
·        Evaluating procedures
·        Instructions for preparing and submitting proposals 
           ·        Other relevant information

The SOW is likely the single most important document in the solicitation package. The SOW is the document that describes the goods or services required in sufficient detail to provide potential offerors with a complete understanding of the requirement.

Generally, there are three basic types of SOWs:
·        Design
·        Performance
·        Functional

The differences among them relate to the degree to which the requirement is defined and explained, from specific to general. Each type of SOW has its own advantages and disadvantages, and SOWs often reflect elements of all three basic types in order to completely describe the requirement.

SOWs rarely fall neatly into one of these three types. Most SOWs reflect characteristics of at least two, if not all three SOW types in order to adequately describe the requirement.   

All The Best!


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