Friday, August 5, 2016

Understanding Change On Martin Luther King Jr. Drive In 2016

By C. Henry Adams

Many years ago, as a young man, my late father would preach to me, two things.  Ok, many things, but this will not be a lengthy discussion.

So, two things will suffice here:

1) First impressions are usually lasting impressions.
2) Know what you are getting into, before you get into it.

Starting with the latter item first, please allow me to state facts to the best of my abilities.

On the evening of Monday, August 1st 2016, I received a call at my home office from the President of my Modern Day Tribe (Kevin Heights Neighborhood) in Atlanta, Georgia.

Within that particular conversation, it was understood that an emergency meeting was called.  Whereas, it was later discovered many citizens living along Martin Luther King Jr. Drive (GA SR 139) were greatly concern with parts of engineering drawings regarding the seven point two (7.2) mile corridor or State Route mentioned above on the West side of Atlanta, Georgia.

In a sense, this particular meeting was perhaps historical by nature.  Fore, in the image above, you will find Community Leaders, City Leaders and State Leaders as well.

Fact:  President Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Recovery Act) on February 17th 2009 for improvements to America's infrastructure.  Click here to read more:

Fact:  The Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery, or TIGER Discretionary Grant program, provides a unique opportunity for the DOT to invest in road, rail, transit and port projects that promise to achieve national objectives.  Click here to read more: 

Fact:  Reduce lanes promote slower speeds.  It is also called, "Traffic Calming".  Click here to learn more: 

Fact:  The City of Atlanta, won a $10,000,000.00 USD TIGER Discretionary Grant for Martin Luther King Jr. Drive Infrastructure & Streetscape Improvements.  Click to download the PDF and read:

Well, needless to say those are some facts gathered.

Now, regarding number 1.   Note to self, when called to attend a meeting with representatives of the Community, City, State and Federal Government - dress, as well as, govern oneself accordingly.

Well, thoses are my thoughts, what say you?  Thanks for reading our blogs!

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