Thursday, May 26, 2016

Listeria Monocytogenes Concerns

by C. Henry Adams

Listeria Monocytogenes is a bacterium that grows without certain nutritional supplements, AKA a Nonfastidious bacteria.  It can be found in foods that we eat, particularly Sun Flower Seeds, soil and sewage to name a few.

Since April 23rd 2016, we have been observing a number of Food Recalls on the FDA and posting them in Social Media ( From the likes of Facebook to Twitter, to Linkedin and Next Door.)

See a list of FDA recalls below:

1) April 23rd 2016   CRF Frozen Foods Recalls Frozen Vegetables Due to Possible Health Risk

2) May 9th 2016     Kroger Recalls Broccoli Raisin Salad After Supplier Listeria Concern

3) May 10th 2016    Kroger Recalls Simple Truth Organic Frozen Mix Vegetables after Supplier Listeria Concern

4) May 13th 2016    Dr. Praeger's Sensible Foods, Inc. Announces Voluntary Recall of Various Dr. Praeger's and Ungar's Products Related to CRF Frozen Vegetable Recall for Possible Health Risk

5)  May 16th 2016    The Quaker Oats Company Issues Voluntary Recall of Quaker Quinoa Granola Bars Due to Possible Health Risk

6)  May 21st 2016   Papa John's Salad and Produce Recalls Oriental Salad with Sesame Ginger Dressing Due to Possible Listeria monocytogenes Contamination

7)  May 23rd 2016   First Source Recalls "Various Products Containing Sunflower Kernels Received From Our Supplier Sunopta" Because of Possible Health Risk

8)  May 24th 2016    E S Foods Recalls Meal Breaks Containing Sunflower Seeds Because of Possible Health Risk

Because, Listeria Monocytogenes is associated with listeriosis and could cause meningitis; this is no joking matter.

Possible Problem Solver: 

Practice rinsing and cleaning Fruits and Vegetables off in clean water before eating. 

Regarding Sun Flower Seeds, try pouring them in a bowl of clean water; let sat for 15 minutes; then drain them slowly in a strainer.  Allow them to air dry.  Heat them at 200 degrees F in a stove for 15 minutes; this could help kill the type of bacteria mentioned above,  if any is present. 

Well, these are my thoughts, what say you?  Thanks for reading our blogs!

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