Saturday, December 26, 2015

Technically, Saturday December 26th 2015 is the last day of 2015

by C. Henry Adams

As a joke, I thought of stating that technically, Saturday December 26th 2015 should be the last day of the year, since it is the last day of the 52nd Week in a Year.

But, at this point - I will refrain from making such a comment by reason of the World having utilize the Gregorian Calendar ever since 1582 or approximately 433 years ago.

I would attempt to state that,  if a system such as this particular calendar has last on the Planet Earth as a result of the celestial body cycling while rotating around a star to which we call the Sun for four (4) centuries, three (3) decades and 3 years, then why change it now?

Perhaps somebody would say, " Global Warming, that's why! "

Or someone else would write a paper regarding the Gregorian Calendar and Climate Change in 2008:

Having experience a noticeable climate change in Atlanta, Georgia from December 24th through the 26th of 2015; is it a wake up call?

Well, these are my thoughts, what say you?   Thanks for reading my commentary, we greatly appreciate you.

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