Friday, December 11, 2015

Invest In Southwest Atlanta

by C. Henry Adams

Technically, I grew up on the West-side of Atlanta, Georgia, whereas, a particular street sign might say the Street Name (No actual name given.) with the initials of NW ( "Northwest" ), but if you go roughly (1) one mile from my Ole Neighborhood; a street sign might say the Street Name (No actual name given.) with the initials of SW ( "Southwest" ).

Nevertheless, in my professional opinion, Southwest Atlanta needs Economic Improvements to stay up with the times.

I applaud Atlanta City Council Lady, Keisha Lance Bottoms of District 11 and her Administration for taking the time to at least issue a survey .

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There are a Number of Concerns that need to be address to improve the Economic Outlook of Southwest Atlanta.  Below is a short list:

1)  A Need for Regular (meaning Weekly) Clean Up / Removal of Trash from Streets, Neighborhoods, Parks, Wooded areas, Wetlands (Utoy Creek Wetlands) and Streams (Utoy Creek).

2)  A Need to better educate / train the Local Youth regarding the historical significance of the area to hopefully give them a stronger sense of Value.

3) A Need to significantly reduce Crime and Criminal Acts in West Atlanta.

4) A Need to significantly reduce or end Poverty in this area by creating or placing a Surplus of Careers (' not just a job') through Small Business in Southwest Atlanta.

5) A Need to reduce the HIGH Cost of Living in Prices for Residents at the local Grocery Stores and local Gas Stations to name a few.

If I sat here long enough, I could write more concerns.  However, being concern and taking actions are two different things.  I prefer to be on the taking action side after voicing or hearing concerns spoken.

Those are my thoughts, now what say you?  Thanks for reading my commentary, I greatly appreciate you.

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