Wednesday, December 23, 2015

BIE Companies Sharing Business Intelligence

by C. Henry Adams

For a number of years, BIE Companies have been sharing news obtain from the Internet that could prove to be beneficial to Entrepreneurs, Small Business or Non-Profit Organizations.

It is our intent to enlighten the World in one small corner of space and time to which we exist and dwell.

Perhaps, the easiest way to perform this act is to share snippets of a topic while identifying facts.

Or simply post an article written by a person of an organization that tends to suggest facts more so than opinion.

Now, don't get me wrong, I do intend to continue to voice my opinion, but improving the way we bring you this particular blog, is our main objective.

So, starting on December 23rd 2015, you will see snippets of articles leading to mostly positive, informative topics or press releases from other sources within this blog.

Please stay tune.


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