Friday, July 17, 2015

Seriously, All Jokes Aside, Could There Be Life On Pluto?

Image Credit: NASA TV

By C. Henry Adams

Seriously, all jokes aside, could there be life on Pluto? After seeing the most recent images, it very well could be... What do you think?

With a Piano sized Spacecraft photographing the surface of Pluto as it makes a flyby, while transmitting images that take 4 hours before we on Earth are able to view them sent at the speed of light is quite incredible to say the least.

It took just a little over 9 years to reach this Planet, quoted by some or this Dwarf Planet quoted by others.  Perhaps its the last planetary body before one leaves our Solar System, but what lies on the surface is yet to be observed closely.

It looks like NASA , other Space Agencies and Ventures in this World have their work cut out for them to find life on Pluto or other planetary bodies in the next decade to say the very least.

Update:   I'm going to make a prediction and I'm just thinking.  Today ( 7/18/2015), it takes an unmanned spacecraft roughly 9.5 years to reach Pluto and beam back images moving at 186,000 miles per second, taking roughly four (4) hours to arrive on Earth.

Tomorrow (The near or far Future), it will take Man, Woman, Animal or whatever four (4) hours to travel to Pluto.   Whether it be by Spacecraft, Worm Hole or whatever.

With God, all things are possible....     So, what are your thoughts?

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