Thursday, April 30, 2015

Refusing The Negativity

by C. Henry Adams

I hope all is well , this I pray. From the perspective of a Man of God, a Christian, a Veteran, a Small Business Owner and finally - last but certainly not least - an American of African descent; I'm sadden by what I see in Baltimore, Maryland.

I'm equally sadden by the mere fact that Police Brutality is more prevalent due to digital cameras, social media and the promotion of hate.

Like you, I'm entitled to feel a certain way , but I have decided to refuse the negativity.

I can only wish you would refuse it too...

I think that we are letting the devil get into us like he has gotten into so many Americans of all Races due to the negativity viewed and heard on Mainstream Media.

I have personally decided to place myself and thoughts in a positive light.

I know things are not quite right in our Country, but still I move forward in a positive way.

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