Friday, January 23, 2015
Kevin Heights Neighborhood - Modern Day Tribe
By C. Henry Adams
Recently, I reviewed an interactive article in a local newspaper web site that was discouraging in my professional opinion.
However informative it tried to convey awareness of criminal activity in the City of Atlanta, it might have promoted a negative message to visitors from other walks of life regarding the municipality.
It is true and I'm not in denial when I state this, 'there is crime everywhere'.
However, there are good things or perhaps greater things occurring everywhere as well.
For instance, where I grew up and currently reside, there is no Murders, Rapes, Aggravated Assaults or even Larceny occurring in my immediate neighborhood - modern day tribe - to the best of my knowledge to date.
Yet, the picture painted for the World to see on an Open Source GPS web site begs to differ.
How can I make this comment and sleep safely at night? Well, it's a factual statement.
To make it a valid expression, here's what the people or fellow tribe members do...
1) Become Nosy Neighbors, pay close attention to details.
2) Communicate with their neighbors openly through greetings when outside of their homes.
(e.g. Hey! How are you doing! Have a great day!)
3) Communicate with Neighbors via POTS (Plain Old Telephone System). (e.g. Hello, how are you? Listen, I just wanted to give you a call to share some observations.)
4) Communicate via Facebook and other Social Media with neighbors or fellow tribe members.
5) Communicate via Text Message System amongst Modern Day Tribe Members, City Council Person and Police.
6) Pickup trash around their homes, other neighbor's homes and from time to time, the entrance to the subdivision while being watchful of the community as a whole.
7) As adults, speak openly to children when they are observed misbehaving in the neighborhood while at play; certain steps are taken.
A. If a child is observed misbehaving, call out to that child and ask him or her to refrain from bad behavior.
B. If the child fails to comply, contact their parents or guardians immediately to stop their bad behavior.
C. If the parent or guardian is absent or fails to correct the child's actions, call the police.
It is very obvious that most of the time, outside elements, people or even gangs will select a place to perform criminal activity. As a result of these negative actions, a urban blight is place over an entire area. This economy killer must stop and will stop when a person or people get fed up with crime.
Those are my thoughts, so what do you think?
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