Sunday, January 25, 2015

Dreaming About A Drone Invading My Privacy While I Sleep

By C. Henry Adams  

You know, we live in a World where far be it for me to say, advance technology exist.

However, just because it may exist does not mean that it will ever be stealthier enough to elude the human species.

Why do I make that statement?

Well, because a human being with spirit attached is perhaps one of if not the most complex creature in my professional opinion ever studied thousands to millions of times, whereas, we still don't have all the answers to how they work or operate.

I believe that only God knows us truly.

Anyway, so I had this particular dream about a Drone hovering near my home with at least one infrared night vision camera looking into my window.

Then, I woke up - thought to myself, what legal rights as a U.S. Citizen, as a Small Business Owner and just as a Human being - do I have to address this matter appropriately?

I  mean really now, I would assume that Drones are great tools and/or toys when properly utilize.

However, if you have NO business or RIGHT to operate a Drone at NIGHT, plus in a residential area, why take the risk?

Then again, mind you - I'm just dreaming this stuff up, right?

Well, I sincerely hope for those advocates of the Drone with night vision, commercialized and have the intent to invade everyday/night citizens privacy by aerial trespassing, get this message clearly.

Perhaps, You are not welcome.   Maybe, You are not without observation in return and legal recourse will be taken against You.  

OK,  (LOL) enough said, let me go back to sleep now without hearing a weird hum or buzz.

Well, those are my thoughts, what are yours?

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