Saturday, July 5, 2014

I FINISH 26693rd IN THE 2014 AJC PRR

By C. Henry Adams  (UPDATED)

This particular article is my testimony regarding the accomplishment or milestone I personally made on Friday, July 4th 2014 while running in the 2014 AJC Peachtree Road Race.

If you are an avid runner and you read the title,  " I FINISH 26693rd IN THE 2014 AJC PRR ", perhaps that's not a big deal to you.  But, to me coming off a 10 year hiatus from running in the AJC Peachtree Road Race that was a very big deal.  

A matter of a fact, when I finally made it to the finish line, I looked up and I saw a time of 2 hours : 45  minutes : something seconds (something, meaning I forgot the numbers.  LOL ). 

Then,  I thought to myself, the " Y " Wave ( The last group of Runners to run the 2014 AJC Peachtree Road which included Meb Keflezighi, the Boston Marathon Winner) started or allegedly was to start at 9:05 am EST, whereas, the first group of Runners started at 7: 30 am EST.

This means that I just ran this race in 45 minutes!  (WRONG)

But later, when I checked my time at AJC Peachtree Road Race Unofficial Results web page for 2014 ( ),  I guess that wasn't the case. 

Instead, I ran the race in 1 hour :  9 minutes : 41 seconds while placing at 26,693rd out of 60,000 runners.

Did I feel bad about that placed position?   Heck Naw!

Why?  Well, to start - 10 years ago, I suffered heat exhaustion or perhaps a heat stroke trying to run the 2004 AJC Peachtree Road Race.

The years following that episode in my life revealed other health related issues which eventually lead me to believe that I was on the right track trying to stay healthy as I got older by training and running.

Today, I work hard to keep a positive mental attitude while balancing my life with healthy exercise, dieting and practicing methods of relieving stress.

As a small business owner, it is essential to balance one's life and very important to surround yourself with LIKE MINDS who believe in practicing great health.

I personally want to thank  The Atlanta Track Club  ( ) for the opportunity to run in their event and the magazine that I received in the mail from them was very informative while giving great advice.

I will continue this NEW old hobby that I have been doing since my days in Elementary School over 30 years ago.  LOL  I see clearly now that it is important to maintain some sort of exercise regiment to maintain great health in one's life.

The AJC Peachtree Road Race is a great choice for improving your health when you train for it and discover through it that all your hard work paid off when you cross the 6.2 mile finish line regardless of finishing 1st or last.

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