Tuesday, February 25, 2014

' Cause I'm Happy

By C. Henry Adams

Excerpts from a discussion on Facebook regarding Pharrell Williams' Song called,  ' Happy  '

In December of 2013 if I recall correctly, Pharrell Williams put out a song called, " Happy " on YouTube. Well, one of my Brothers from another Mother ( Scooda Red ) posted the song on his Facebook Page. By that time, it had 36 Million hits. Today, that song has 78 Million hits and many many Artist's attention. We need to turn the Vibe around to a more Positive Vibe. Pharrell is a trail blazer in this day and time.

BIE Media Group, sells Radio Ads on PRAISE 102.5/1029 FM in Atlanta - A Contemporary Gospel Radio Station. That station played this song on the AIR. This song has transcend across many genres. I don't care what NO BODY SAY, God is working with that Rump Shaker Producer ( Pharrell ). LOL

Hey, it's just my thoughts, opinions and observations.

So, what do you think?

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Thursday, February 13, 2014

XLA: Developing A Student Mastermind

A Student Mastermind or Scholar is a highly intelligent educated person.  He or she is capable of planning and directing complex or difficult projects.

Becoming a mastermind should NOT be misconstrued as something negative, bad or evil.

Fore many centuries, men and women alike studied the behavior and nature of human beings. We have gotten so good at our studies, that we can make predictions based on systems that we have created to cause reactions to particular stimulus.

A system is
a set of interacting or interdependent components forming an integrated whole.

Everything that can be positively conceived about your 'Way of Life' or
course of actions are based on a set of systems.   You did not manifest in this manner and no, life did not just happen.

But, rest assured as a Student, trial and error was involved in the development of your World (Culture or 'Way of Life') as you know it to be in this particular
dimension of events.

Growing up, we are influenced by other people, cultures, values, ethics and authorities to say the least regarding types of systems that we encounter.

XL Academics connect Students to Mentors, facilitate Employment by developing talent, and engage in the continued growth of individuals served by its organization.

To successfully accomplish goals and make dreams realities, an individual would have to maneuver through great obstacles in their cycle of life.
XL Academics offers multiple levels of support to aid Students with questions and training.

Sometimes that person requires assistance from an individual or group of people to reach the next levels in their life.

XL Academics provides that support through various technologically advanced platforms to bring out the Master Mind abilities in people aspiring beyond their dreams and or reality.

To learn more about XL Academics platforms, please "LIKE" them on Facebook or visit them here:  http://www.xlacademics.net/xlaimplementation.php

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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

CBO Says 2 Million People Will Impoverish Themselves?

Notice:   Comments made by C. Henry Adams do not directly reflect the views or opinions of Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. ,as well as, BIE Media Group, LLC.  Nor will his statements in this discussion relate to any policy or procedures utilize to operate the companies.

by C. Henry Adams

What is really going on here in America?   I ask that question because the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office ("CBO") report in my opinion can be somewhat alarming.

I'm sure by now you have seen the articles by the AJC , the Washington Post  , the Washington Times and the New York Times about how it is estimated that at least (2) two million Americans are expected to impoverish themselves to get, keep or maintain Affordable Healthcare.

By the way, Affordable Care Act, Obamacare or whatever you so choose to called it, maintains the poverty status in my professional opinion.   But, what do I know, right?

Well, according to the CBO, in just ( 7 ) seven years or by 2021, at least 2.3 Million People will impoverish themselves.   Does this sounds familiar?   Where did they get their numbers?

Let's say that 48.8 Million People are now estimated to be in poverty, according to 2000 to 2012 US Census report and the CBO has just added at LEAST 2.3 Million more People by 2021.

Do you see the light now?   Do you see the light in the picture above ,whereas, we are trying to make a point?

I can hear someone say, " C. Henry, your two metaphoric questions don't make any sense to me.  I'm going to go out and get the ACA Health Insurance , make under the amount of money to keep my
subsidies and buy whatever I want.  So, shut the hell up! "

My Reply To That Person:   Well, alrighty then - I wish you well in your poverty state of being in America.

Listen, I am not making it my job to tell you how to conduct or even run your life.

But, I sincerely hope that you read and download the CBO which is an economic forecast of sorts.  I know that I will be proactive in regards to it and other things observed in this economy.

So, what do you think?

Congressional Budget Office Publication for Feb. 2014:   http://www.cbo.gov/publication/45010

US Census:  ' Poverty:  2002 to 2012   American Community Survey Briefs '  PDF  :  http://www.census.gov/prod/2013pubs/acsbr12-01.pdf

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