Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Questions After The US Government Averted A Complete Shutdown In My Mind

Notice:   Comments made by C. Henry Adams does not directly reflect the views or opinions of Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. ,as well as, BIE Media Group, LLC.  Nor will his statements in this discussion relate to any policy or procedures utilize to operate the companies.

By C. Henry Adams

You can call me ' Chief Just Running His Mouth ' or whatever.  But, I'm going to ask questions after the U.S. Government averted a complete shutdown whether liked or not. 

Please forgive me for presenting the impression of arrogance.

Yes, my perspective is my perspective.  Yes, I'm a Moderate Conservative ( One that believes in tradition, but support change as well.).   No, I'm not a Republican and I'm wondering whether being a Democrat is not the answer neither.

Yes, I'm strong will and I will likely go over this blog and all other blogs written on several hot topics revolving around the U.S. Government with a ' fine tooth comb ' over and over again.

No, I will not disrespect the U.S. President, Barack Obama.   No, I do not like parts of the ACA aka 'Affordable Care Act of 2010' aka 'Obamacare' for specific reasons concerning the People of the USA, my family and myself.

Download ACA Law in PDF here:

Thank God I live in the United States of America where I have the freedom of speech per the U.S. Constitution per the First Amendment.

That being said, I understand that the U. S. Supreme Court deem the ACA to be a tax, thus making it legal.

It is understood that the Republican & Democratic Parties both had a hand in the Partial Shutdown of the U.S. Government  regarding a number of reasons.  One of the reasons was the ACA which is my focal point in this blog.

I recently raised a question in social media in the third party, which is... " What is the definition of  "Affordable " in regards to the ACA?

Next question:  How many Americans actually took the time to read over 800 documents regarding regulations of the ACA?  

Was there issues or do issues still exist with the website regarding registration?

Is $100 US Dollars per month or 8% of a $30,000 USD salary per year - really affordable when you fall in the age group between say 27 yrs old  to 40 yrs old  or even 40 yrs old to 65 yrs old ; whereas, your State has opt out of creating a Healthcare Exchange and the cost of living is already ridiculously high based on your pay?

I understand that there are a number of reasons people don't like the ACA.

I also understand that you can be penalized with a fine if you don't purchase Healthcare Insurance.

But, am I wrong for thinking that anybody or myself in the U.S. placed under the wrong circumstances could be impoverish as a result of the ACA?

Thanks for reading and I look forward to your positive or objectively positive responses.

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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Has The US Government Taken The US Citizen Downhill During A Shutdown Over Healthcare?

Notice:   Comments made by C. Henry Adams does not directly reflect the views or opinions of Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. ,as well as, BIE Media Group, LLC.  Nor will his statements in this discussion relate to any policy or procedures utilize to operate the companies.

by C. Henry Adams

Today while setting in a local restaurant eating
a Chocolate Frosty and Chicken Sandwich, a Lady start talking to me 'out of the blue' to which disturb me.   With all due respect, first -  I do not like to talk politics when I'm eating a meal.

Secondly, I do not have anything against President Obama, Democrats, Republicans or any other Political Party not mentioned here.

Thirdly,  I'm not going to play the name game called, " Just Who Fault Is It Anyway... "

At that moment, she pointed out the ACA or the Affordable Care Act aka "Obamacare."

Then, it started to get heated. 

So, I decided to show her the web site on my personal computer, whereas,  the site would not let you go beyond the " Individuals and Families " button to access it further at that particular time and date.

I also pointed out that if you did not qualify for medicare nor were you eligible for the "subsidies" , you might be in trouble, meaning, your cost to purchase a healthcare premium "could be " high.

Listen, I'm not hearing what the Republicans have to say , nor am I hearing what the Democrats have to say.  I'm simply reviewing the facts as they are laid out in front of all Americans that seek them.

Finally, shutting down the US Government is not a wise thing in my professional opinion period.

It is as if Washington really think we can not see the current situation in front of us. 

This economy has not completely recovered in my professional opinion and the actions that DC have taken aren't well thought out regarding any current policy effecting us.

I'm not a negative thinking person and I'm not going to become one.  

May I humbly and respectfully ask you for your thoughts and what do you suggest we should do to resolve these issues in Washington DC to help our economy and improve healthcare?


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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

... a B I E Company - BIE Media Group, LLC

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Failure To Operate The Government Over The Obamacare Mandate Should Not Be An Option

Notice:   Comments made by C. Henry Adams does not directly reflect the views or opinions of Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. ,as well as, BIE Media Group, LLC.  Nor will his statements in this discussion relate to any policy or procedures utilize to operate the companies.

by C. Henry Adams

Greetings, I personally do not like the " way " Obamacare is setup
when it comes to penalties for failure to get healthcare insurance , but shutting down the U. S. Government is NOT an option in my professional opinion neither.

My Definition of Setup:  To establish a certain method, policy , procedures, criteria or rules.

As a small business owner that lives in an economy where I literally see people struggling; I don't side with the Republicans, the Democrats or any political party that will hinder the welfare of the American People in any capacity period.

Obamacare is here, I'm prepared and preparing to deal with it accordingly.

If there is growth in our U. S. Economy, there should be signs of growth in my neighborhood, community, city, county and state combined.

I'm not completely convinced.

So, what are your thoughts, I sincerely and respectfully welcome them.   Thanks!

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