Monday, September 2, 2013

Asking For A Hand Up and Not For A Hand Out

By C. Henry Adams

On Labor Day, Monday September 2nd 2013, I've decided to write a commentary called, " Asking for a Hand Up and NOT for a Hand Out".

There are many situations where people have asked for a hand up from a circumstance and been misunderstood for asking for a hand out of the same state of affairs.

These people that I speak of could perhaps be entrepreneurs, small business owners like myself, non-profit organization directors or even government officials who all seek to improve living in a society in various POSITIVE forms.

In fact, I will do something candid and perhaps taboo.  I will mention a story of a business owner, seeking a private loan from a colleague that could possibly yield the colleague twenty percent interest on the loan, plus the reimbursement.

Then again, I better tell you of this instance where a citizen seeking to run for an elected office in a small town did not have the registration funds in a timely manner to certify for the office they seek to run for or against.

You know, perhaps the story about one of the most powerful elected officials in a country is the one to tell.  With experience and some of the smartest, most intelligent people at their call, this person decided to call on the representatives of his nation to help him make the right decision.

OK, my point is simple....   Where there is a WILL, there is a WAY.  If someone comes to you in respect and all honesty -  at least perform due diligence.  When considering taking a risk, also consider having faith.

Also, perhaps it is important to know the difference from someone asking for a hand up or just for a hand out.   Forgive me if I have offended anyone.   There is nothing wrong with asking for a HAND OUT.  There is nothing wrong with asking for a HAND UP neither.

I hear someone asking, " C. Henry, what's your definition of a HAND UP?"   My Reply:  If the person advancing forward fail or succeed in their ventures.   Yet, they have the abilities to help themselves and have shown these abilities, as well as, more.  Furthermore, they need your contribution in some form to advance forward, this is a HAND UP situation.

If a person is NOT advancing forward and you have confirmed this in observation over a period of time that  there is NO MOVEMENT,  no effort to venture through trial and tribulations - this is a HAND OUT situation.

Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. Thank you in advance for any consideration.

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