By C. Henry Adams
You know, there is a lot of symbolism in the statements proceeding this first one that I'm writing and the digital image seen above this article. Let me say that I don't expect everyone who reads any of my writings or have observed my logic to understand me. But, please consider that I mean well.
Yes, I have transform from the young man seen in the neighborhoods and communities of Atlanta, Georgia to a Forty-Something Year Old Businessman today.
Yes, I consider myself a Scholar, an Outgoing Person and one who believes in creating something POSITIVE out of nothing while making it a reality. But, I know my limits. To create what one person might call the 'impossible', in my professional opinion- you must possess certain spiritual abilities.
You might ask what is one spiritual ability to possess to make something POSITIVE out of nothing while creating it into reality? The answer that I quite often have discovered in my short lifespan is faith.
But, this great power of faith is just one ability. Another spiritual ability is 'Will or Determination'. Yes, having faith is definitely one great thing to possess, but there are other things too which you must retain to go along with this particular Supernatural Skill.
Someone might ask, " Well C. Henry, how does what you just stated go along with your title of this article, I mean what is your point here?"
In my reply, I would say that in life, we often grow in a contain area. Perhaps, we (Referring to nobody in particular.) closed the box or the contain area to outside opportunities because of complacency.
I'm associating the fear of the unknown as one of many reasons to complacency. I'm associating 'fear' in all varieties to being in any box situation to say the least. I'm also associating the repetition of making the same mistakes while not learning from them to avoid them.
It is time to step out of the closed box to succeed and if you are approaching some sort of closed box in your life, step over it while moving forward.
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