Monday, June 24, 2013

FALSE or MISLEADING info or advertisement about YOU found on the Internet

By C. Henry Adams

This Microblog question below quickly became something to discuss for a number of reasons:

Question: Do you think FALSE or MISLEADING info or advertisement about YOU found on the Internet can ruin your life in the REAL WORLD?

Here is a question posed.

Somebody said, " I don't know C. Henry, what do you think?"

My Reply: I believe that it could damage.   BUT, being of Good Character saves.

I believe that DUE DILIGENCE should apply regarding a person with possible negative information found on the Internet.  Same thing should apply to a business.  Perhaps 90 days or a Probational Period should apply.

Somebody asked, "C. Henry, what is an example of FALSE or MISLEADING info or advertisement found on the Internet about a person?"

My Reply:  Information from a past incident in your life or family member's life, whereas, it directly affect you getting a job or contract.

Someone asked, " So, what can I do to overcome this mess? "

My Reply:  1) Don't Give Up      2) Remain Calm   3) Be Positive while moving forward.

My Reply continues...   4) Don't pay extortion for past misgivings.   5) If asked DIRECTLY, answer truthfully. If not, leave it alone.

LOL Somebody said, " Mr. C. Henry, now where did you learn this strategy and tactic?"

My Reply:  Call or text message me. (404) 348-8319

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