by C. Henry Adams President / CEO of Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc.
The Public School Cheating Scandal could effect business in Atlanta. So could the closing of 67 banks throughout Georgia.
So could the immigration law recently passed on the State of Georgia level. So could the 'Default' situation in the US Government.
The point that I make is simple. If we don't face our problems with actions and not rhetoric, perhaps we will truly be lost.
But, not I. Fore, I will start with myself, an individual- by stop talking about the problem, while yet acting to bring about a solution.
I use to think that I could save the World, but just didn't know how. Now I realize that I can save it with others in my community.
Does that sound crazy? Absolutely, it is not. But, it is crazy, if you stand in shock and do nothing while everything crumble around you.
Somebody said, "C. Henry, save the World by fixing your grammar first."
My reply: Like this World we live in, its an ongoing process. LOL
Thanks for reading my blog. Please feel free to comment and while you at it, I would like to encourage you to come support the 5th Annual Morris Brown College Scholarship Walk-A-Thon to be held Saturday, September 10th 2011.
For more information about this event, please visit
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