Sunday, July 24, 2011

A Car Commercial With A Young Lady Talking About Her Parent's 19 Facebook Friends Says A Lot

by C. Henry Adams President and CEO of Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc.

(A Previous Microblog on Sunday July 24th 2011)
((Updated Friday, Dec. 2, 2011))

Greetings Everyone, I often catch that car commercial about the young lady talking about her parents having 19 Facebook Friends and in my professional opinion it says a lot.

Before somebody ask, yes we will publish this commentary on the blog.

Alright, where was I?

Nine quick points and I'm out of here- in relations to that brilliant commercial regarding Marketing, Social Media and People. You Ready!?

Point 1 - It sells Facebook.

Point 2 - It sells a Car for the Car Company Advertising.

Point 3 - It sells the idea to older Adults that you don't have to have a lot of friends on social media to have fun in real life together.

For instance, if I'm only targeting scholars who seek knowledge about new innovative things and have the means to obtain them, why not pursue them?

Point 4 - It sells the fact that Social Media is just a tool of sorts to reach Individuals. But, you must learn to use it effectively.

Those who are just tuning into my microblog, we are talking about a car commercial whereas a fictitious young lady discuss her parent's 19 Facebook Friends.

Point 5 - It points out the fact that people are intrigue by both fact /or fiction found on social media or the Internet. Discernment is a key.

Point 6 - Business(es) & Non-profit Organizations should utilize social media to sale a concept alone with other tools of marketing.

Point 7 - Business(es) & Nonprofit organizations should repetitively only expect to reach persons who would take interest in their concept online.

Basically- that means, you would need to redefine your demographics and appeal to people more frequently, but not in an invasive way.

* Point 8 - Find credible people, liked-minded people to friend on social media. Actions speak louder than words. Due Diligence is a key.

* Point 9 - Realize that social media is simply a tool to communicate. Therefore, always be mindful of the words you write on it.

The Asterisk (*) preceding points 8 & 9 were an accident, but those two points are critical none the less. Have a great day, peace I'm out.

We want your business. BIE is a Business Development & Telecommunications Consulting Firm. Call (404) 348-8319 or

2011 Toyota Venza Commercial - Social Network

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  1. This is a superb information and you have described everything very clearly and really i got a lot from this article, Thanks for spreading this information here..

  2. it SELLS, it does not sale. Sale is a noun. The verb is "sell."

  3. Thank you Anonymous Editor. LOL I really do respect the fact that your grammar is better than mind. My whole purpose for writing these blogs were related to the fact that I'm NOT grammatically correct. However, it is my intent to improve myself. So, that being said, I greatly appreciate you. Please feel free to critique my style of nonconforming English writings. Why? Because, I need to improve this particular skill. Thanks. C. Henry Adams


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