BIE Media Group is announcing today to the World, March 24th, 2011- that it would like to share its Google Calendar. What does this mean? Well, basically - the Department of Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. will give companies, non-profit organizations and government entities alike access to post their events on BIE Media Group Networking Calendar.
What's the catch? There is no catch. Well, in order for this concept to work successfully, those organizations must allow BIE Media Group to post its events in return on their calendar for 'free'.
Now, to make this a fair trade, we are only asking to exchange on 'Google Calendars' at the moment.
However, if you don't have a Calendar and would like us to post your event on our Calendar, there will be a nominal fee imposed for the labor.
The fee could be set-up for a one-time payment or monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annual as well. Also, we can help you embed a Google Calendar into your website for a Coaching Fee.
For more details, please call, voice-mail, text us or email us. (404) 348-8319
For more information regarding Esther's services and rates, please give us a call or email.
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