Wednesday, September 22, 2010

SMBs Should Use Social Networking To Market & Evolve

A Previous Microblog Broadcast by C. Henry Adams
Tuesday, September 21, 2010 4:30:57 PM EST

Good Evening, Good Morning & Good Afternoon World! How are you? Fine, I pray. Topic: SMBs Should Use Social Networking To Market & Evolve

According to a World Book Dictionary, 1979 Ed., 'Evolution is a process or formation of growth'. I interpret this in short as 'Development'.

So, for all practical purposes, I will associate Evolution to the Keyword: 'Evolve'- here, to talk about MARKETING a Small Business (SMB).

Someone always asked my company to build them a Web Site to reach the Masses. But, do you want to reach the Masses or your Target Market?

To answer that question, honestly- perhaps you would want to reach your 'Target Market' to get PAID instead of the 'Masses'.

So, how does Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. or its Dept. "BIE Media Group" create 'Evolutions' in Marketing for Small Business?

The answer is NOT a Secret, the DETAILS are our Tradesecret: 1) Start off small with Online Biz. Dir.(s) (2) Create Soc. Net. Connect (More)

The answer is NOT a Secret, the DETAILS are our Tradesecret: 3) Train their Staff /or Manage Clients Soc. Net. Connects 4) OutDoor Marketing

Final step that we will reveal: 5) Set/Reach Target Market Goals for/with Client while creating a successful long-term relationship.

To watch a Business evolve from a slump during this recession and reach their target market will help this economy grow. Call (404) 348-8319

COR: According to a World Book Dictionary, 1977 Edition., Evolution is a 'process of formation or growth;...'.

Final Note: If you notice, I did not mention building a web site. Why? Well, because we have helped SMBs with /or without web sites present.

However, it is strongly recommended that a SMBs (Small Business) have a web site in their possession and BIE Media Group can make it happen.

This has been A Microblog (RSS) Broadcast, brought to you by Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. | (404) 348-8319 |

C. Henry Adams is President and CEO of Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. - a Business Development and Telecommunications Consulting Firm established in August 1998.

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