Friday, July 23, 2010

One Reason I Will Not Ever Get Rid Of My Yahoo Email Account, But Migrate To GMAIL

By C. Henry Adams

In the title of this Blog, I mentioned that I possess a Yahoo Email and a GMAIL Account. This is a fact.

Several Cyber Security Experts have recommend that I get GMAIL, so I did. I have had my Yahoo Account for over a decade, but because I've utilized it for so long, that is not the reason for keeping it.

The reason for keeping it is because I now use it as a database to research emails, contacts, companies, invitations and other business transactions including files I've attached or received via email over the years.

So, you may ask - "C. Henry, why would you migrate to GMAIL?"

I would then say, "Good Question! GMAIL is GVoice, Docs, Google Calendar and GTalk to just name a few".

Google has very successfully integrated a lot of its other Apps (Applications) into GMAIL. Its literally a one stop source, PLUS it comes highly recommended and a little more secure.

Now, in my professional opinion and my professional opinion only- there is nothing wrong with having a Yahoo Email account and GMAIL account.

So, what do you think?

C. Henry Adams is President and CEO of Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. - a Business Development and Telecommunications Consulting Firm established in August 1998.

Sponsorship & Advertisement Opportunities - 'Social Networking with C. Henry Adams & the Krewe (Crew)'

The Syndicated Talk Radio Show is "Social Networking with C. Henry Adams and the Krewe"

2010 Copyright Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. All Rights Reserved

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