Tuesday, March 17, 2009

What's A Funeral Without A Casket Or Urn: "Who Is Best Buy Caskets And Urns?"

Years ago, when People passed away, like my Brother in 1978, Grandmother and Father in 1995; I wasn't too cultured about funerals period. In fact, many Folk or Individuals feel or felt exactly the same way I expressed my emotions for the Dearly Beloved Deceased.

Well, I'm happy to say today, those emotions or fears have sorta sided - figuratively speaking. "In so much as we are gathered here to mourn the passing of someone"... these words are yet intense to say the least, but it is a reality.

Speaking of the inevitable, their are People in this World who have made it their Life's Journey to assist the Dead in their transition and the Living of the Dead through a very emotional, sad time for the majority.

Now to write this Blog, you might just thought that I have lost my ever loving mind fooling around with stuff that deals with Death. Well, to some surprise and not to my mind, I'm perfectly sane.

Yes, as a Motorcyclist, I have slowed down a little, yes I don't jump quickly to judgment anymore....but, dealing with Death is sobering to all including me.

However, imagine if you were a Family who had just lost a Loved-One and there was not a lot of money to pay for a Funeral or your Loved One last request was to be cremated.

Did you know that there is a rare Company in the State of Georgia that could assist you with the Funeral Cost or Urn to place your Loved-One remains in forever?

This Company is owned and operated by a unique Family called the Moorer. The Company is called, "Best Buy Caskets" and they specialize in lowering the high cost of a Funeral by selecting a quality casket or cremation urn at savings of up to 50% or more, without pressure or embarrassment.

Now, Somebody might be getting a laugh out the above statement, but this is indeed a fact.

On any day, You can call them 24 hours at (404) 756-9509 and get assistance.

Furthermore, they are located at 2035 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive in Atlanta, Georgia 30314. (0r) On the web at http://www.bestbuycasketsandurns.com

Now if you misspell the URL, simply go to "Google" and type in " Best, Buy, Caskets, Urns and Atlanta, Georgia."

I've been there and last I checked - there were no "deceased" People in their Showroom.

So, what do you think? If you don't have to buy your Funeral Products from the Funeral Homes 'cause you don't have a lot of funds, but you want to give Your Loved One a very nice "Home Going", then why not contact "Best Buy Caskets and Urns"?

C. Henry Adams
Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc.

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