Tuesday, February 10, 2009

What is Social Engineering?

Part 1 On A Series Of Industrial Espionage And Business Intelligence
By Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc.

According to the National Cyber Alert System Cyber Security Tip ST04-014,
To launch a social engineering attack, an attacker uses human interaction (social skills) to obtain or compromise information about an organization or its computer systems.


First,let us state, that this is a definition Individuals and Business Owners should become familiar with during the Advancement of Information Technology.

Social Engineering is what? Well, in our understanding - to go along with what was stated above, social engineering is when someone suspects you of something or the possession of some knowledge they are seeking; they purposely take an indirect approach to obtain information from you that you are unaware of parting with in almost a masterful plot or scheme. That is a pretty long definition, but if you don't understand now - when it happens to you...this description and many others will ring true.

Are you scared? Don't be. Why? Well, because you have probably utilized social engineering in your lifetime in one aspect or another to obtain information yourself.

Knowledge is definitely power, but wisdom with what one knows is better.
Basically, Social Engineering can be utilized for good or evil.
There are many forms of this practice and probably a number of techniques too lengthy for us to discuss in this blog.

We are introducing this terminology, technique, practice and possible standard by those individuals who primary objective is to gather information secretly, steal or even worse destroy your creditability through Identification Theft, to simply make you aware.

"Know what you are getting into, before you get into it".

So, what do you think?

C. Henry Adams
Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc.
Follow Me On Twitter! http://twitter.com/chenryadams
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